MTC Regional Mapping & Wayfinding Project

The Regional Mapping and Wayfinding Project will make it easier to ride transit in the Bay Area by making wayfinding materials (maps, signs, screens, etc.) more consistent and easy to identify. Whether you are traveling by bus, rail, ferry, or a combination, the signs and communication systems will be the same across all nine Bay Area counties.
The complex process of designing new regional wayfinding standards is being led by MTC, with the partnership of transit riders, Bay Area cities and counties and all 27 Bay Area transit agencies.
In my role at Applied Information Group I am centrally involved to the work of Phase 3, which includes: creation of regional standards and regional wayfinding identity, implementation of prototypes, implementation of pilots, and planning for regional implementation of the system after the end of Phase 3 in 2026.
I first started working on this project during my time at City ID, where I was centrally involved in all aspects of Phase 2, including: redefining the scope, developing and documenting the principles of the system, planning for user focus groups, stakeholder engagement efforts, and development of ROMs for the business case. 
The images below are from public presentations give at various committee meetings, BART, Applied's website, and City ID's website.
Phase 3
Standards, Regional Identity, Prototypes, Pilots
Phase 2
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