Maui Health Wayfinding
While working at GNU Group, I was a core member of the team that developed a wayfinding materplan and implementation program for all of Maui Health's facilities. 
Kaiser Permanente had newly acquired the Hawai'i local healthcare provider Maui Health. The developed signage system is a modified version of Kaiser standards, keeping the function of the standard wayfinding system while adding the local culture into the overall graphics. The wayfinding system was designed and implemented across several facilities including; Maui Memorial Medical Center, Maui Memorial Medical Center Outpatient Clinic, Kula Hospital, and Lanai Community Hospital.
The photos below are of Maui Memorial Medical Center and are from the Maui Health Facebook page and YouTube videos. The legacy system utilized a color and local plant silhouette per floor, however the graphics were not helping visitors distinguish between the two elevators that serve the two wings of the building and are the only way to reach different departments in the upper floors. This was causing many visitors to go to an upper floor looking for a certain department, only to find out they needed to go back to the first floor, walk to the other side of the building, and go up a different elevator to reach their destination.
The new system for this facility, designated a color per elevator and retained the plant silhouettes per floor as a background element of the header and footers of directional signs and on elevator doors instead of as the background for every single sign. Each elevator's color is used across sign types and icons depending on which side of the building they are located as a subtle indication of which wing of the building you're in.
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